Show # 265 - Coffee with Rich | Karen Whitlock, Firearms Instructor, Range Owner, and Chapter Leader for The Well Armed Woman
The American Warrior Society is devoted to one thing: your safety. In todays world, taking responsibility for your own safety and survival is key and our goal is to teach you how.
Show # 265 - Coffee with Rich | Karen Whitlock, Firearms
Instructor, Range Owner, and Chapter Leader for The Well Armed
On today's Coffee with Rich, we will be joined by
Karen Whitlock.
Karen owns an indoor gun range in Flowery Branch,
GA with her husband where she teaches basic pistol, concealed
carry, red dot optics and defensive shooting fundamentals classes
among other topics. She is also a chapter leader for The Well Armed
Woman and hosts a women's group dedicated to continuing education
at the range. In addition to teaching at her own range, she teaches
Basic Handgun Safety at a local university.
Karen has earned the following instructor
NRA Instructor (Basic Pistol, Chief Range Safety
Officer, Personal Protection in the Home, Refuse to be a Victim,
USCCA Instructor (Concealed Carry & Home Defense,
Defensive Shooting Fundamentals (Levels 1 & 2), Training
Advanced Rangemaster Instructor
Defensive Firearms Coach (I.C.E.)
The Well Armed Woman Certified Instructor
Deadly Force Instructor Certification (Masaad Ayoob
The American Warrior Show is the podcast of the American Warrior Society. AWS is a self-defense oriented educational website coming in the spring of 2015 that prepares men and woman from any walk of life to survive violent encounters.